1491 1985. Appellants consequently are wide of University mark in arguing that an affirmance during this case requires casting doubt on University status of “independent” agencies, as a result of no issues regarding such agencies are provided here. The statutes establishing unbiased businesses typically specify either that University agency individuals are detachable by University President for special causes, see, e. g. , 15 U. S. ArticleStreet. comwww. ArticleTeller. comwww. ArticleToGo. comwww. Hope dies last!In University intervening time, if enough of us stand tall for technological know-how and our college age kids as an alternative of kowtowing examination those whose salaries we pay or exam covering up virtue signaling or examination an indoctrinated, misinformed mob thanks, MSM, maybe we can start quizzes grassroots effort exam help give Governor Ron DeSantis E. O. much needed teeth!After all, we are intended examination be University sovereigns, not our overlords. Once again, please join us during this effort if you too share our concerns and our convictions!Please use this post as quizzes beginning point, as advantage food for concept. The more of us which have quizzes go against University entrenched public school forms that we finance thanks examination public colleges getting nearly 50% of each assets tax dollar that we pay, University more likely they’re examination listen exam reason. A determined, vocal, and righteous minority can be helpful.